Our Allied Health Team

New Project (5)

Mr. Halakhe Ganyu

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker & Community Health Counsellor

Halakhe has worked in community health field for the last 23 years. He has worked with individuals , young people and family members presented with depression and anxiety. Those who may have also experienced trauma, domestic violence, drug and alcohol addictions and relationship issues. He also provides counselling in behavioural change and interpersonal skills development for perpetrators of family violence.

New Project (6)

Nessmah Sultan

APD BAppSc, MDietPrac

Nessmah is an Accredited Practising Dietitian. She has experience helping people from all walks of life, from those living with disabilities, to young children, to active adults wanting to gain muscle. She helps individuals reach their health goals through tailored nutrition advice.

Dr. Brandon

DR Brandon Willingham (BHSC MPOD)


Brandon (BHsc MPod) graduated from LaTrobe University in 2016 with a Bachelor of Health Sciences and Master of Podiatry degree. Since graduating, Brandon has worked in a private clinic in Ballarat for 2 years working with a diverse range of sporting injuries, paediatrics and nail and skin care presentations. In addition to being a podiatrist, Brandon is also studying Remedial Massage Therapy. Outside of podiatry, Brandon enjoys being active through playing football, mountain bike riding and travelling the world snowboarding.

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Mr. Suresh Deekonda

Registered provider for Medicare,NDIS,DVA, Worksafe, TAC and Private Health Insurance
Working as a Allied health practitioner for  over 20 years and  working as a Pre employment screener for  over 10 years
1). Consultantion provided for  Chronic Disease Management ( Bulk Billed for GP referrals)
Weight loss, Diabetes (DM), Hypertension, increased cholesterol levels, Neurological conditiins ( reduced muscle strength, poor balance and coordination) and Musculoskeletal conditions ( chronic back pain and knee pain and other joint conditions)
2). Consultantion provided for  Pre Employment Screening ( not Bulk Billed)
Vision, Hearing, Lung function test,Fitness testing CV, Comprehensive Musculoskeletal screening, Functional capacity,  lifting capacity, return to work capacity, Drug and Alcohol testing and also provide consultantation for job specific health screening requirements

Mr. Zaheer Shaik

Remedial Massage Therapist | Hijama Cupping Therapist

A professional with an enormous passion for wellness and vested interest in the wellbeing of the community in general, our friendly and dedicated Remedial Massage/Hijama Cupping Therapist, Zaheer Shaik joins us with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in treating musculoskeletal issues.

Zaheer is a fully qualified Remedial Massage Therapist, Hijama Cupping Therapist, and a Natural Medicine Practitioner. As a registered member of the Association of Massage Therapists (AMT) and the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT), Zaheer has extensive knowledge and experience in the aforesaid therapies and has many satisfied clients in the Outer Western and Northern regions of Melbourne in his 5 years of practise. His holistic approach to wellness enlists a range of techniques such as myofascial release, transverse friction, reflexology, trigger Point Therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, sports massage, injury management, Dry cupping, Moving cupping, Flash cupping, fire cupping and wet cupping techniques.